Do you remember what we were taught in school? Algebra? Shakespeare? Chemistry? Basketball? The fact is that this knowledge enriches our common culture and is extremely important in the life of every person, but among it do not stand out any real life skills. But don't despair - there is still a lot of time to learn.
Simply put, life skills are the skills that allow us to live a full and happy life. Without good life skills, you have a high chance of encountering disappointments and failures, constantly wondering why things don't work out.
A study that followed 8,000 people for 11 years found that individuals with good life skills were healthier, happier and richer. Those without such, on the other hand, develop a greater tendency to depression and isolation, and they usually live more unhealthy.
If we ask passers-by who they consider to be the most important life skills, they will certainly list many, but they will all be directly related to three main aspects: social relationships, development and good use of cognitive abilities and coping with emotions.
There are several skills related to these three aspects that are present in virtually everything, whether it comes to work, school, family, friends or a partner. Of all the life skills proposals, the starting point is the list of 10 life skills documented by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1999.
The world is a diverse place, made up of nearly 7 billion people, each with their own unique personality, characteristics and abilities. There is no one equal to another, but in this diversity we must all have developed specific abilities in order to prosper in life. These life skills are what allow us to survive and cope with the social, physical and emotional demands that our existence places on us.
There are several skills that we could consider basic for life, and even each could have its own list of what they are. Most would agree that it is important to have good relationships with others, to recognize and manage our emotions, to accept ourselves as we are, and to know how to make the right decisions. They would also emphasize that it is very important to understand others without making hasty judgments about who they are and to state emphatically and kindly what our views are.
But of all the lists of life skills, we can mention the most important is the one proposed in 1999 by the World Health Organization (WHO), an organization that lists the 10 most important life skills or HPV, defining them as necessary skills so that we can behave adequately and positively, which allows us to effectively deal with the requirements and challenges of everyday life.
Initially, these 10 vital skills were proposed to prevent problems directly related to public health, including the use of drugs such as alcohol, tobacco and cannabis at an early age. They were also aimed at avoiding high-risk behavior among the population, improving the health habits of the population, preventing discrimination, promoting self-esteem and positive social relationships, and improving academic performance, considered important not only in health but also in cognitive and social aspect.
According to the WHO, there are ten most important life skills, the first four being social skills, cognitive skills 5 to 8 and the last two skills for controlling emotions.
LifeSkillsCourse's main goal is to help its customers and anyone who has expressed a desire to grow and improve, to rediscover themselves. To this end, we bring to your attention access to our life skills class. It is entirely educational, and its content is useful even for those who are successful and confident not only in personal, but also in their professional life.
Our life skills course will pay special attention to the 10 life skills formulated by the WHO, which we mentioned in the previous lines; will give you extremely useful information illustrated with examples of how your constructive behavior can climb you up any ladder and how it can destroy everything you have ever built; will give you a number of useful tips and lessons suitable for every age group; last but not least, by completing the life skills program, you receive an instant, free certificate of completion.
You may be required to provide a certificate of completion by a court, a judge, a parole or probation officer, a legal representative, an employer, a family member or any other organization and entity in the United States. In fact, the certificate of completion is once available to be printed and is sent to your email address as soon as you finish the education. By its nature, it is an official document which certifies that you have successfully completed a life skills program.
This certificate of completion will be extremely useful in a number of cases among which stand out:
LifeSkillsCourse gives you access to a completely online, self-paced and self-study life skills training. We invite you to enroll in our program whether the court, judge, probation/parole officer, legal representative or employer required you to complete some of the following classes:
The life skills training may be found under different names. Different states, institutions and entities use different names of the program. Yet, in order to assure yourself whether this is the right course for you, please feel free to contact us. We will be glad to assist you in making the first steps towards change. © · 2025